Everyone has experience with falling. When we’re children, we fall and can stand right up! As we go through the various stages in our lives, those falls become more difficult unless we pull from each experience, extracting the little wins so we can RISE!

On the surface, some of you might say “here’s a person who is confident and really has her stuff together.” The reality is, I truly believe I am on the right side of healing. I have a beautiful marriage, not my first one, an amazing family that’s endured some painful ups and downs and a rewarding career that I’m proud of!
I haven’t always been what you see today. I still have a lot of growing to do! I was mistreated for many years when I was young before I was able to do anything about it.
I carried that mistreatment with me, convinced myself I deserved that treatment, and allowed it to continue well into my 30’s!
I moved into my first apartment just before my 18th birthday. I had secured a “real job” which I thought was a more “grown-up” position. This was my chance to feel important and gain the confidence I was seeking. After two months, I found myself in a familiar position that took me by surprise. I was still young enough to think that my being mistreated was somehow all in my past. It existed in the workplace too!
As I entered my twenties, I was navigating different employment opportunities and dating, I stumbled upon a new relationship! He was talented, very smart, and had his own business, which I became a part of. We were married in under a year and the cycle I thought I had left behind, began. It was time to pivot again and get my feet underneath me.
Raising children throughout my twenties and thirties, I discovered a new confidence in myself that had been developing without consciously realizing it.
I started slowly gathering tools, extracting little wins from my relationship, embracing all the goodness it taught me, until the day that I was able to turn the page.
Today I am proud of who I am! I am resilient, strategic, and courageous, specifically from what I’ve been through. I am married to a man who respects me, honors me, and treats me with the grace and kindness I don’t always deserve! I have learned disagreements do not have to cause you pain and I have also discovered I am still a child at times! That’s not always a bad thing! I am a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, and Business Woman!
The Upside of Falling for me was the ability to learn how it happened, extracting the wins from it and discovering what it took to rise up!
We all have negative experiences or painful memories. Let’s reassess those memories by recognizing your little wins and turning those into BIG wins that you’re able to use today!