Hello, my name is Diana Moshier and I am an Entrepreneur, Realtor and Health and Wellness Advocate.
On the surface, some of you might see me and say “here’s a person who is confident and has their life together”! And I would say to you today that I’m on the right side of healing. I have an amazing marriage, but it’s not my first one, a beautiful family that’s endured ups and downs like many of you and a work life I’m truly proud of.
I haven’t always been what you see today and I still have a lot of growing to do! I was mistreated for many years when I was young, before I was able to do anything about it. I carried that mistreatment with me, convinced myself I deserved it and allowed it to continue well into my 30’s!
Today I am proud of who I am! I am resilient, strategic and dare I say, courageous, specifically from what I’ve been through. I am married to a man who respects me, honors me and treats me with the grace and kindness I don’t always deserve! I have learned disagreements do not have to cause you pain and I have also discovered I am still a child at times! That’s not always a bad thing! I am a Wife, Mother, Grandmother and Business Woman!
I am most proud of my ability to learn how to extract the wins from my painful experiences and discover what it takes to rise up!
We all have negative experiences or painful memories. Let’s reassess those memories by recognizing your little wins and turning those into BIG wins that you’re able to use in your life today!
I have discovered a gift of discernment for others and believe it’s my mission to help women find their safe place. It’s my love for the health and wellness industry and through the vehicle of Real Estate that I’ve been able to meet new people and connect on a deeper level and expand my network.
It is my hope I will be able to help young girls and women of all ages who have been mistreated or ever had the feeling that their existence doesn’t matter. You do matter and you have an amazing gift of strength with options you never knew you had! Finding your little wins in every situation will lead to the big victories and the ability to move forward in all aspects of your life.
If this sounds like you or if you think this could benefit someone you know, please reach out to me! I’d love to connect!